Gmail prompt to provide phone number sounds like a threat
Dumb take. All it’s warning you is that without those, you won’t have a way to recover your account it you lose your password or if it’s hacked and someone changes it.
Yeah, I’m all for bashing companies regarding privacy and whatnot, but this is just informing/warning you about account security.
Can confirm.
Google locked me out of my account for not giving them my phone number. Even though I used the correct password. Even though I verified myself through the recovery email, which has been the same for ages. Even though I wasn’t using a VPN or connecting from a public network. Even though there was no reason to think my account or credentials were compromised.
They are, in fact, extorting phone numbers from people.
Thankfully, I don’t depend on my google account for anything, but I’m still stuck receiving spam forwarded by gmail, because I can’t log in to turn off forwarding. (I’ll probably have to filter it out at some point.) I honestly hope they just delete my account after some months without a phone number.
You could lose access to your X years of Gmail history with 2FA enabled if you lose your phone.
Creating a new Google account isn’t even possible without a phone number anymore. I had a new account which I didn’t use in a while and it decided I need some old phone number to confirm my log in. There’s no way to log in, recover or delete the account. There’s no way I’m putting my daily account to that risk by giving them whatever phone number I have now
Google can close your email account down at any time for any stupid reason they like and their nonexistant support will leave you standing in the rain without access to years of mails. Switch to a paid mailer with actual support ASAP
I once paid for Lavabit email and it was then raided by the NSA/CIA/FBI (Snowden case) and they shut everything down. I lost access to my account and to a 3rd party account that had a considerable amount of money pending withdrawal. I was never able to get the money. Lesson learnt: paying for your email won’t save you.
Ya, never trust US companies. Their government’s crazy to jump in and take anything they want; you may not even know they took it.
BuT cOrPoRaTiOnS tRaCk YoUr LoCaTiOn If yOu GiVe ThEm YouR nUmBeR
Like they’d need your phone number to do that when you probably already have a smartphone with Facebook installed
Some of us don’t install proprietary software…
Ransomware is getting smarter by the day!
Users are getting dumber by the day!! Half the comments in privacy imply users don’t know what they are talking about and need to see a therapist
You couldn’t glean the sarcasm from my comment?
I know that 2FA is important for securityNo, based on the silliness i see in privacy. The /s is useful and to deny its usefulness is ignoring the reality of human 2d communication.
Alright, that’s a good point, I’ll make use of it more
Totally agree it is a pain to use it. Just helps with clarity for everyone
No it doesn’t. It means that your email is encrypted and they don’t have a way to unlock it. If you don’t add recovery info or print out your unlock codes, you will lose access. Just like it says.
2FA is more secure.
What are you talking about? Google is not encrypting their emails, where did you get that info from?